What Every Parent Should Know about Florida’s VPK Program

10 Summer Reading Programs for Kids
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The state of Florida is making a huge investment in its future and your children are the prime beneficiaries.

The state’s Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) program pays the tuition for every 4-year-old participating in a qualified pre-kindergarten school. VPK provides children a top-quality early learning experience at participating private and faith-based child care centers, many public schools, and Head Start sites, as well as licensed family child care homes.

Give Your Children the Best

Florida’s VPK program is completely free to all of the state’s residents, regardless of their income level. Parents can enroll their children in the school of their choice in either a school year program with 540 instructional hours or a summer program that includes 300 instructional hours.

In VPK, children are taught essential literacy skills, including letter and sound recognition. These skills are essential to their future success.

All children are also provided access to qualified instructors and age-appropriate curriculum with a strong emphasis on early literacy skills.

The Amazing Explorers Difference

Because VPK is free to all families and parents can choose to send their children wherever they choose, doesn’t it make sense to enroll your child in the very best LAKE NONA private school?

Amazing Explorers Academy is a qualified participating educational institution in Florida’s VPK program. But, at Amazing Explorers, we go beyond the minimum requirements and offer your child the opportunity to participate in advanced learning curriculum that not only teaches the basics but also prepares them to succeed throughout the rest of their education and into their future careers.

At Amazing Explorers, children learn in a fun, progressive environment that stimulates their imaginations as well as their minds.

VPK lets you send your children anywhere. Choose Amazing Explorers, the VPK-approved LAKE NONA private school that offers your child the very best.


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