STEAM Turns Up the Heat on Early Childhood Education

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One of the biggest buzzwords in early childhood education these days is “STEAM”, which is an acronym for “Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics”.

The idea is that by exposing younger children to these concepts at an early age, they can create a foundation on which they can build a sophisticated and successful plan for future intellectual, emotional, and even professional growth.

But the STEAM curriculum, which is featured at Amazing Explorers Academy, is only successful if it is implemented effectively. STEAM requires an intentional connection between standards, assessments, and lesson design and implementation.

Franchise Opportunity Tampa — Collaboration Is the Key

At the heart of the STEAM approach to early childhood education are three factors:

  • Inquiry
  • Collaboration
  • And an emphasis on process-based learning

But also essential to a successful implementation of the STEAM curriculum is approaching learning as a form of play. When learning is fun, it is something children genuinely look forward to and it can create habits that can sustain their interest and passion for discovery their entire lives.

Franchise Opportunity Tampa — Accomplishing STEAM Objectives

At Amazing Explorers Academy, we use collaborative planning to achieve optimal learning objectives for every student. We also adjust scheduling to accommodate innovative, new ways of teaching and learning.

We encourage professional development for all of our staff in the essential STEAM practices and principles, and we rely on STEAM schema-mapping for our students’ curriculum and assessment to ensure a seamless unpacking of lesson implementation processes and strategies.

Ultimately, all of this ensures that the student benefits from the process in order to make more real-life connections that they can rely upon throughout their educational and professional careers.

At Amazing Explorers Academy, school isn’t just a place where children go to learn. Instead, the Amazing Explorers Academy becomes a place where children come to play and have fun while creating a lifelong passion for learning.

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