Florida Invests in Your Children’s Future with Free VPK

10 Summer Reading Programs for Kids
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While many people who live outside of the state of Florida, think of the state for its world-class tourist attractions, there is much more to the Sunshine State than meets the eye.

Florida has always been one of the most innovative states in the nation. For more than 50 years, it has been at the forefront of our nation’s space program. And, today, it is one of the leading states for research and development in a variety of industries.

Now, Florida is leading the country in early childhood development, offering every child in the state the opportunity to participate in a free early education program that will provide the tools they need to succeed throughout their academic and professional careers.

Waterford Lakes and Lake Nona Daycares — VPK and Your Child

Lawmakers in Florida have committed huge resources to the state’s voluntary pre-kindergarten (VPK) program, allowing every four and five-year-old in Florida to attend the public or private education facility of their choice at zero cost.

Florida’s free VPK program gives children the skills they need to flourish intellectually throughout the rest of their education. It also offers the opportunity to “learn how to learn” so that they can prepare for successful professional careers later in life.

Waterford Lakes and Lake Nona Daycares — Choosing the Best VPK Program

One of the most innovative things about the state’s commitment to VPK is that parents can choose any preschool, educational facility, or daycare facility they want, regardless of its cost.

The VPK program a free program for four and five-year olds in Florida. So, why not choose the best possible facility in your area so your child can get the most out of this opportunity? Why not choose Amazing Explorers Academy? Amazing Explorers offers free VPK in a learning environment in which children’s imaginations are engaged and their sense of wonder is stimulated. Call Amazing Explorers today to enroll your four or five-year-old child in our innovative free VPK program.


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