Childcare Careers

Explore Rewarding Childcare Careers at Amazing Explorers Academy: We are actively seeking talented individuals to join our amazing team across all locations and positions. Preferred candidates will possess DCF 45 hours, and experience in the childcare field is necessary. We welcome your interest in contributing to our nurturing educational environment where young minds flourish, and lifelong learning skills are nurtured, all while inspiring, connecting, and engaging the great minds of the 21st century. Join us in shaping the future of education in diverse communities.

Light up your Childcare careers, Join our Amazing Team

As a seasoned educator with over 30 years of experience, I confidently affirm that AEA offers outstanding opportunities for childcare careers. The curriculum, the facility, the resources, and the supportive administration are truly exceptional. AEA is always ready to assist and bolster our team in their childcare careers. As a mother, I would feel incredibly blessed to have dedicated teachers nurturing, guiding, and inspiring my children.
-Nell Silva (Lead Teacher)

New Workers A explorers team

Explore Childcare Careers at AEA: Hear from Our Dedicated Team

We invite you to watch the video below, featuring our passionate educators and staff sharing their experiences and insights into what it’s like to pursue childcare careers at AEA. Gain a firsthand understanding of the enriching journey, the collaborative environment, and the meaningful impact they create daily in the lives of the children we serve. Join us and become an integral part of a fulfilling educational community that highly regards growth, innovation, and making a lasting difference in the lives of the next generation through our childcare careers.


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Meet the Explorers

The Amazing Explorers® concept was developed by a task force of leading thinkers in a diverse range of fields, including university professors, technology experts and community leaders who helped identify the new challenges facing the early childhood industry and the need to introduce 21st Century skills when young explorers are open to learn about the world around them.