How to prepare your child for their first day at daycare

As your Little One grows, new experiences are ahead of them. Getting ready for the first day at daycare is paramount, since you want them to make the best of this new adventure! We’ve taken advantage of our experience at our own daycare facilities to create a practical guide for parents that are experimenting with …

Applying AI in early childhood education at AEA

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a subject that we can’t escape from. Since this resource has become more and more common and incorporated into our daily lives, the same is true when it comes to the use of AI in early childhood education. Incorporating AI in early childhood education Artificial intelligence can be used in so …

Hospital Bag Checklist: Baby and Parents’ Needs

The closer it is to the time of giving birth, the more real things become. We can relate to that! If you’re looking forward to checking out one less chore from the pre-birth to-do list, we’ve come up with a concise hospital bag checklist with the essentials you don’t want to leave behind. The right …

Choosing the right sleep sounds for infants

Good sleeping habits are a necessary investment for everyone that wants to have a happier and healthier life. The same is true for those whose life has just started! Setting the right conditions for sleep also includes choosing the right sleep sounds for infants. Let’s dive in into the topic and figure out how certain …

Socialization In Early Childhood: Everything Parents Need to Know

Socialization in early childhood is a very important step for a child to become a skillful adult and successfully deal with difficult situations later in life. Interacting with adults and other kids is critical for them to become problem-solving individuals and develop clear communication, tolerance, empathy, flexibility and emotional intelligence. In early education, schools take …

Why Is Social Development Important in Early Childhood?

As part of the child’s journey through growth, it’s important for parents, caregivers, and educators to be attentive to a child’s behavior in groups, rapidly addressing any challenges or issues that arise. This is especially true when it comes to their social development in early childhood. Ultimately, investing in a supportive and inclusive environment for …

Best places to visit in the USA for the best family vacation ever

It’s finally time to start thinking about your family vacation! Amongst so many other responsibilities, you, as a mom might wonder “what are the best places to visit in the USA for vacation?”. Well, look no further! We’ve selected some of the most popular states in the country and digged deep in order to find …

Understanding and managing separation anxiety in infants

Naturally, parents want to spend as much quality time as possible with their children. But life goes on and has its own demands despite this need for comfort and closeness with your Little One. If it’s too hard having time apart, you may see yourself dealing with separation anxiety in infants. Grown-ups can suffer from …

Best Toys for 6-Month-Olds: Engaging and Enriching Picks!

The first years of your baby’s life are completely focused on their scanning, understanding and comprehension of the world around them. If you want to keep this ship going forward, it’s important to present the right stimuli for that. And how can you do that? By presenting the best toys for your 6 months old …

Where to Go in Georgetown (Texas) with Kids?

No matter how long we’ve lived in a place, there’s always a chance you haven’t explored all the entertainment possibilities it offers. You might have wondered where to go in Georgetown even if you’re a local in one of the loveliest cities in Texas!  Located less than 50km away from the capital Austin, this  is …