4 Father’s Day crafts for preschoolers

father's day crafts for preschoolers
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Everyday is a celebration day when you have a loving family by your side. But who doesn’t like having a special day to celebrate your gratitude for having this person by your side? As Father’s Day approaches, you might want to check these Father’s Day crafts for preschoolers and encourage your child to create something amazing! 

Crafts to make Father’s Day extra special 

Creating something from scratch is a creative way to show how much a dad is appreciated. 

These crafts, no matter how simple they might seem to be, symbolize love and time dedicated into creating something for a dad. 

Also, these little presents are also likely to be easy to store and find again in case Dad wants to see it! 

Inspiring preschoolers to craft Father’s Day presents 

Time for some hands-on activities! It’s important that your preschooler has supervision while doing these activities. 

Customizable Dad Portraits

What you’ll create: an exclusive and creative portrait of Dad. 

How: you can find a platform that’ll offer accessories and body parts you can put together. Use it to make a replica of Dad’s face considering his physical characteristics. 

You can also create something even more hands-on: get inspired with photos of Dad’s and draw different traces, accessories and places that are shown in the picture. Recreate the image using your little one’s creativity. 

Hands Down Best Dad Ever frame

What you’ll create: a “pun-intended” framed print of your child’s hands. 

How: first, get together with your child and create a beautiful frame. You might use Dad’s favorite colors, or the colors of his favorite sports club: the most important thing is that it resembles something he likes and identifies with. Then, write on the frame: “Hands down… you’re the best dad ever!“.

Next, use non-toxic paint to color the palm of your child’s hands. Place the hands in a blank piece of paper, lightly press the hands onto the paper and make sure it’s transferred from the hand to the paper. Remove the hands, wait until it’s dry, and then fix the frame around the hand print.  

DIY Father’s Day cards

What you’ll create: exclusive and custom made Father’s Day cards! 

How: you’ll need colored paper, blunt scissors, glue stick, and some coloring pen. 

Create paper pieces that resemble bow ties, suits, sports uniforms… anything that will make Dad relate with and feel good about it! Put the folding pieces together and make the front of the card as look alike as possible to the object that inspired you in the first place. 

Inside the card, write a loving message letting Dad know how much you love him and wishes him a happy Father’s Day! 

Father’s Day coupon book

What you’ll create: a handmade brochure with offers exclusively crafted to make Dad happy! 

How: think about the things Dad enjoys doing the most. Is it going to a game? Having a night off with Mom? Spending the day outdoors with the little one? Select all those activities and create a coupon that’ll allow Dad to take some time from his daily duties and chores to enjoy the offer from a specific coupon! 

Selecting an offer from the brochure will not only make Dad feel loved because his family is thinking about his well being, but can also create some great family time

How fun it is to create something with artsy inspiration! These Father’s Day crafts are a way to encourage your little one to explore their imagination, connect with their father, and create something from scratch. 

Enhancing a child’s connection with their subjective thinking is as important to their future as learning about science and mathematics: improving and enhancing these different skills is what STEAM methodology is all about. Keep reading to understand why art is so beneficial to children and why you should encourage it.

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