We Are Coming To Austin

Goodnight Ranch

Amazing Explorers Academy at Goodnight Ranch, Tx fosters a nurturing environment where little minds open up to develop lifelong learning skills designed to inspire, connect and engage the great minds of the 21st century.

Contact us to learn more about Amazing Explorers Academy Goodnight Ranch

Are you open for adventure?

Amazing Explorers Goodnight Ranch
8749 Vertex Blvd. Austin, TX 78747. 

Phone: (512) 580-6002

Age: 6 weeks – 12 yrs old

Open: 6:30am – 6:30pm


As an educator, AEA has become my second home. It is a lovely place to work. The curriculum, the facility, the resources, and the administration are the best. They are always willing to help and support our Team. I feel so blessed to be able to inspire children and teach them with all my heart and a big smile  
-Ana Gomez (Teacher Assistant)

New Workers A explorers team

The Future of Preschool

Unlocking the Potential of Artificial Intelligence at Amazing Explorers Academy Asturia. In our STEAM-focused preschool in Asturia, we don’t use AI to teach children; we teach children to use AI! At Amazing Explorers Academy, we’re leading the way in empowering young learners to explore and harness AI, equipping them with skills for a tech-driven future.