12 Mother’s Day Ideas: Activities, Gifts And Places To Visit

Mothers Day Ideas
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We all know the efforts that Moms put in every day to make their families happy. That’s why it’s important to celebrate this special day and make it extra significant. So, here are some Mother’s Day ideas that you can do at home with your family! And don’t worry, these ideas are perfect for our little ones too!

Let’s make this day unforgettable and cherish the time families spend together.

Why is Mother’s Day celebrated? 

If we look way back in history, the celebration of motherly figures has happened since ancient Greek and Romans.

In the 1600’s, Mothering Sunday was a yearly event that honored mothers, and in 1918 Mother’s Day became a worldly celebrated date – even though it happens in different times of the year according to each countries’ calendar.  

The main reason behind the celebration of Mother’s Day is to show appreciation for their effort and dedication to their families. Making this special day a tradition is extremely important, so having the little kids participate in the celebration helps to create this commitment!

Delicious Cooking and Eating Options for Mother’s Day

Since Mother’s Day is always celebrated on a weekend (the second Sunday of May), this is perfect excuse to gather the family and grab something to eat outside your home.

This is a great opportunity to pamper Mom on her special day! Here are our first 3 tips.

  • Choose a themed meal and cook it together for her at home (French, Italian, Asian inspired).
  • Take her to a surprise brunch or dinner – tell her to dress up and look her best for a casual situation. She’ll only know where she’s going when she gets there!
  • Movie night feast at home! Choose her favorite movie and make popcorn, nachos, or themed treats based on the movie genre.

Whatever you choose, make sure that Mom feels like a special guest! Don’t let her cook or clean anything up because this day is all about her putting her feet up on Mother’s Day.

Have Fun With These Mother’s Day Activities 

Now that you know why Mother’s Day exists and that the whole idea around it is to bring the family together and celebrate everyone’s motherly figure, it’s time to get inspired with these Mother’s Day ideas!

Flower Power 

An adult cuts cardboard or paper into the shape of flowers. The children are responsible for coloring it according to what they feel their mom will like the best. Add a picture of the children’s face as the core of the flower! 

Tell a Story 

Print some pictures of the family mom. Try to create a story about her using the photos, and to add a more personal touch, have the children draw some of their mom’s favorite things as part of the story. Everyone comes together to create a story and show how they admire the Mom! 

Scavenger Hunt 

Create and hide clues to help Mom find the great hidden treasure

Stash postcards, drawings or miniatures with post-its in different places around the house. As she opens drawers, appliances around the house (like the fridge) or closets, she’ll see hand made tips to help her find her gift. The surprise at the end could be a custom-made necklace, a voucher for a relaxing SPA, or tickets for a family vacation in her favorite location!

DIY Mother’s Day Crafts

Creating handcrafted objects has its own special flare. Not only Mom is getting something exclusive, but also you really immerse yourself into the special gift.

Here are a few thoughts on arts and crafts that Mom gets to keep and be constantly reminded of the love her family feels for her.

Handmade bookmarks

Here’s where you can get creative. There are tons of different ways to create bookmarks: using fabrics, different types of paper, choosing special accessories, adding a message that will make Mom smile everytime she looks at it.

Custom-made phone case

It’s quite possible that you’re reading these tips in your phone or, at the very least, you have your phone nearby!

Since we’re so connected, why not have the love of your family close at all times?

You can either try creating one yourself, or look for online professionally made options.

Polaroid magnets

If you have your own Polaroid machine at home, add an adhesive-backed magnet to all the photos you want to showcase. Put them on the fridge making a special decoration, or add the photos in different places in the house so that Mom is always surprised!

You can also learn different ways to create your own Polaroid pics!

Where to go for Mother’s Day? 

If the main idea of the date is to help Mom have a good time, it’s only fair that her favorite activities are included, right?

If she likes a specific type of food, let her indulge herself in a restaurant she’s always wanted to visit, but keeps postponing the visit 

Also, if there’s a group of mothers she regularly interacts with, propose activities that can include them! Maybe a ladies’ morning/afternoon/night out, or a fundraising to kickstart a trip they want to take together.

We all know friendship is important, so including people that are not necessarily blood related will demonstrate that her family cares about making her happy and keeping her surrounded with love. 

Now, if you’re looking for options to enjoy Mother’s Day at home while still having fun, we got something for you too!  

A Special Talent Show For Mother’s Day

Actions sometimes speak louder than words. You can also honor the most special woman in your life by doing small actions that show her your love and admiration for who she is.

What better way to celebrate Mother’s Day than by making her feel special about who she is? Here are some ideas on how to do that.

Poetry Reading

Make it extra special by having everyone in the household write a poem about Mom. Talk about why she is important to you, how you feel about her, and be specific about the favorite things you like to do together as a family.


This is pretty similar to the poetry reading previously suggested, but the idea is to use someone else’s words to express your own feelings.

Dad and the Little One can choose a book about Mom-children relationship and read it together, creating a spectacle with a lot of performance and sentiment!

The Catwalk

Throw a fashion show all inspired by her outfits to show how stylish she is (just be careful not to ruin her clothes!).

Excited about trying out these Mother’s Day ideas in the next opportunity? Continue to get inspired by reading our guide with 5 easy games ideas for family night!

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