6 Fun Science Experiments For Preschoolers

Science is a fundamental component of STEAM, one of the most relevant educational methodologies there are! If we want to inspire our children to be curious and understand the world around them, there’s nothing like performing these science experiments. As children are growing and developing, they’re like little sponges that absorb knowledge coming from all …

Early STEM Education: Nurturing Future Innovators Through Hands-On Learning

Nurturing Future Innovators Through Hands-On Learning Early STEM Education – Picture a first-grade classroom, maybe even your own. Kids gather around the sand table, exploring the sand, letting the grains run between their fingers. The teacher passes out some props—marbles, rulers, boxes and cups—and lets students explore freely for a few minutes. The kids excitedly …

Six Characteristics of a Great STEM Lesson

STEM is more than just a grouping of subject areas. It is a movement to develop the deep mathematical and scientific underpinnings students need to be competitive in the 21st-century workforce. But this movement goes far beyond preparing students for specific jobs. STEM develops a set of thinking, reasoning, teamwork, investigative, and creative skills that …